I feel conflicted, torn, confused. I'm searching for answers, direction, a sign even. Carnegie Mellon, a rival athletic institution of my alma mater NYU (yes they both have athletic programs), has started offering the course "Sneakerology 101." How could this be possible? How could Carnegie Mellon, far and away one of the most boring campuses I have ever set foot on, offer this class? A school located in Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh! Blue collar Steelers fans. They aren't interested in the origin of the Nike Dunk, or the uprising caused by Run DMC - the first hip hop group to to receive a Million dollar contract from Adidas. How could NYU not have jumped on this earlier? I mean, I took plenty of ridiculous classes at NYU, and Sneakerology 101 would rank right up there near the top. The entire student population is full of vibrant, diverse, fashionistas with too much money and not enough time. There could have even been a field trip to one of the local sneaker bodegas offering one-of-a-kind kicks. Are they going to open a Flight Club in Pittsburgh? (hint: the answer is no)
I should be happy about this. An extremely respected university embracing the roots of the Sneaker culture; from hip-hop and basketball to the modern day marketing schemes of Nike. But, all I find myself is feeling like a sore loser, a bad sport, a disgruntled college graduate that was stuck taking African American Vernacular English 101 (seriously) as an elective (actually one of the harder courses I ever took). Eh, there's always grad school.
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